streetboarding blog

South Coast Streetboarding Blog:
2018 UK skate trash action...

Bournemouth Wallride - september 2008

So I decided to go snowboarding in Bournemouth again. Grabbed some mates, and whipped up this little wallride - thought some sideways action would alleviate the winter blues. 6 van-loads of snow, a 40ft run-in, and a wallride along the Wessex Way flyover support gave us 8 hours of amusement before 5-0 turned up...

The snow we collected for the wallride - 6 van-loads in total...

6 van-loads of snow...
Packing down snow on the run-in

Building the run-in
Wallride and run-in, phase 1 - too short...

Wallride and run-in, phase 1 - too short...
Run-in phase 2 - long enough...

Run-in phase 2 - better...

Dom preparing the wall

Dom preparing the wall
Jez riding the run-in

Jez on the run-in
Jez on the wall - putting the wallride in context

Jez on the wall
Dan throws down a cross-up

Dan - cross-up

Dom riding the wall

Dom riding the wall
Sonia riding from the dark into the light

Sonia rides into the light...
Colin getting sideways

Colin getting sideways...
Paul Nash capturing the action

Paul filming

Rosco wallriding

Rosco wallriding
Sonia going as big as the boys

Sonia goes big...
Dom throwing down some Kung Fu shizzle

Dom - Kung Fu moves...
Busted! And it only took them 8 hours to arrive...

Busted! Hello Officer...