thursday 10th may
 Flipside Streetboards has been very active over the last month, skating regularly at parks in Bournemouth, Salisbury and Chandlers Ford - making the most of the recent heatwave, skating and getting footage down.
Its been an unseasonably sunny month, and what a sheer delight its been to be outside skating at this time of year - streetboarding in shorts in the baking heat rather than watching TV indoors, waiting for the rain to stop :o)
We have had so many people ask us about streetboarding, we have decided to run a streetboard school workshop here in Bournemouth.
The proposed date is Saturday 23rd June - my birthday, PARTY ;o) Watch this space!
On a different note, I think Bournemouth has a lot of street skate spots for the truely hardcore rider - and i would love to organise a (guerilla?) street contest here for either streetboarding or snowboarding..?
I thought I'd compile the definitive catalogue of Bournemouth street skate spots, so took the opportunity on a free day and snapped all the spots worth hitting that I could think of.
Hover over any image to find the location within Bournemouth:
I hope this can be a suitable reference for riders to view, in order to see what Bournemouth has to offer and hopefully generate some interest?
Till then, lets all pray for the return of better weather...